Hi Team,
I am using consul 1.12.2.
GET /v1/health/checks/{service-name}.
The above REST API responds with an empty array . Whereas, the expected output is as follows:
[{“Node”:“edgex-core-consul”,“CheckID”:“core-metadata”,“Name”:“Health Check: core-metadata”,“Status”:“passing”,“Notes”:“Check the health of the API”,“Output”:“HTTP GET http://edgex-core-metadata:59881/api/v2/ping: 200 OK Output: {"apiVersion":"v2","timestamp":"Fri Aug 4 15:21:43 UTC 2023"}”,“ServiceID”:“core-metadata”,“ServiceName”:“core-metadata”,“ServiceTags”:,“Type”:“http”,“Interval”:“10s”,“Timeout”:“0s”,“ExposedPort”:0,“Definition”:{},“CreateIndex”:9034,“ModifyIndex”:9046}]
Could you please help me the below:
- To verify, what is going wrong in my setup?
- What changes I need to make in order to register that API and it should give a valid response.