Help get list into map

Hello everybody!

I hope they’re all right.

I have a map variable that has a list inside it


my_map = {
   map01 = {
       name = my-name
       localtion = my-location
      group = {
         group_id = ["group-x", "group-y"]
         properties = {
            x = "X"
            y = "Y"
variable "my_map" {
 type = map(any)
 default = {}

I need get list group_id to get, to this I using locals to identify grou variable for use in the data azurerm_monitor_action_group.

To this I trying use a locals, but I can’t filter group in map.

locals {
  name = flatten([
   for k, v in my_map : [
      for n, s in v : 

As I need to create a loop I think so use for_each to this, but As I need to create a loop I think so use for_each to this, but I cant identify where I’m going wrong.

data "azurerm_monitor_action_group" "example" {
   for_each = local.my_map
  resource_group_name = "terraform-example-rg"
  name                = "tfex-actiongroup"
type or paste code here

If someone could me any sugestionI thank.


Personally, I’m unable to understand what you are asking here.

I recommend you attempt to make your question more understandable.

Hi @maxb,

Sory by my confusion.

I’m working in a project and I have following variable

variable "my_map" {
 type = map(any)
 default = {}
my_map = {
   map01 = {
       name = my-name
       localtion = my-location
      group = {
         group_id = ["group-x", "group-y"]
         properties = {
            x = "X"
            y = "Y"

I need get the values into group variable group_id.

  group_id = ["group-x", "group-y"]

I need pass to the resource azurerm_monitor_action_group, to get the ID’s of groups into list variable group_id.

To this I used locals variables:

locals {
  name = flatten([
   for k, v in my_map : [
      for n, s in v : 

But local variable It return this output: = {
   map01 = {
      group_id = [

I need to get this values (“group x”, “group-y”) and use to get the ID of azurerm_monitor_action_group

data "azurerm_monitor_action_group" "example" {
   for_each = local.my_map
  resource_group_name = "terraform-example-rg"
  name = each.value["group_id"]

I hope I managed to explain my scenario better and I apologize again for the inconvenience.

I think this tutorial might be a good start point.

As for your specific data source issue, here’s a hint:

  for_each = toset(

Not saying this is the best possible approach but should work with a few other code changes.

Hi @macmiranda!

Thank very much, your tip work for me.

I would like shared my code, becouse it help someone.

data "azurerm_monitor_action_group" "default" {
  for_each = toset(
  resource_group_name = "my-rg"
  name = each.value

variable "my_map" {
 type = map(any)
 default = {}

locals {
  id = [ for k in data.azurerm_monitor_action_group.default : ]

 output "id" {
  description = "The name of the created namespace."
  value =

module "group" {
  source = "./module"

  my_map = {
    map01 = {
        name = "my-name"
        localtion = "my-location"
        group = {
          group_id = ["group-x", "group-y"]
          properties = {
              x = "X"
              y = "Y"

 output "id" {
  description = "Id of Azure `Resoure group Name`"
  value       =