Hello guys,
I’m running into an issue using dynamic blocks for the cloudwatch alarm dimensions. The way I’m creating this alarms is through modules and each of the properties are supplied via a config variable I made that looks like this:
locals {
alarms = {
GroupName = [
friendly_name = "name"
namespace = "EC2"
evaluation_periods = 1
datapoints_to_alarm = 1
period = 60
comparison_operator = "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold"
metric_name = "CPUUtilization"
threshold = 80
statistic = "Average"
dimensions = [
InstanceId = "id"
The dimension part of this is dynamic, meaning that it can be anything (keys and values can by anything). This local variable is passed to the module and inside the module it looks like this:
resource "aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm" "main" {
alarm_name = "${var.service_name}-${var.env}-${var.alarm_group_name}-${var.alarm_config.friendly_name}"
namespace = var.alarm_config.namespace
evaluation_periods = var.alarm_config.evaluation_periods
period = var.alarm_config.period
comparison_operator = var.alarm_config.comparison_operator
metric_name = var.alarm_config.metric_name
threshold = var.alarm_config.threshold
statistic = var.alarm_config.statistic
datapoints_to_alarm = var.alarm_config.datapoints_to_alarm
dynamic dimensions {
for_each = var.alarm_config.dimensions
iterator = "dim"
content { // cannot set key for this block since "key" is variable
actions_enabled = true
alarm_actions = [
As you can see here, i cannot set the content of the dynamic block “dimensions”. I want the ability to dynamically create dimensions based on that local variable.
How can I achieve this ?