Trying to use Dynamic blocks for metric query and metric on cloudwatch alarm

Trying to use Dynamic blocks for metric query and metric on cloudwatch alarm. But the block does not recognize the optional arguments.
variable “metric_query” {
type = map(object({
id = string
account_id = string
expression = string
label = string
return_data = string
metric = set(object({
metric_dimensions = map(any)
metric_block_name = string
metric_namespace = string
metric_period = string
stat = string
metric_unit = string
default = null

And this is how am trying to declare the values for the object when I invoke the module.

treat_missing_data = “notBreaching”

metric_query = [{

id          = "e1"

account_id  = ""

expression  = "m2/m1*100"

label       = "Error Rate"

return_data = "true"

metric = [{

  metric_block_name = null

  metric_namespace  = "AWS/EC2"

  metric_period     = "120"

  stat              = "Average"

  metric_unit       = "Count"

  metric_dimensions = { InstanceId = "i-abc123" }




  id          = "m1"

  return_data = "true"

  account_id  = ""

  expression  = ""

  label       = ""

  metric = [{

    metric_block_name = "CPUUtilization"

    metric_namespace  = "AWS/EC2"

    metric_period     = "120"

    stat              = "Average"

    metric_unit       = "Count"

    metric_dimensions = { InstanceId = "i-abc123" }




dimensions = {

FunctionName : module.function.lambda_function_name

