How to add vault secret operator configuration through kustomize

Considering vso has been installed according to tutorial (through helm) but with NO vault operator values from here learn-vault-secrets-operator/vault/vault-operator-values.yaml at main · hashicorp-education/learn-vault-secrets-operator · GitHub
How can I add those values to the deployment?

I have been trying to patch the values in like in this example (with the proper targeting and file mounts, but that’s not the issue):

The --config argument is not recognised.
Is there any way to set the storageEncryption values (I can see the persistenceModel is one of the options for the command).

To clarify, how to set these values from the tutorial:

        enabled: true
        mount: kubernetes-mount
        keyName: vso-client-cache
        transitMount: demo-transit
          role: auth-role-operator
          serviceAccount: demo-operator