I’m trying to create a Fastly fastly_service_dictionary_items resource but I don’t know how to convert this to typescript:
resource "fastly_service_dictionary_items" "items" {
for_each = {
for d in fastly_service_vcl.myservice.dictionary : d.name => d if d.name == var.mydict_name
service_id = fastly_service_vcl.myservice.id
dictionary_id = each.value.dictionary_id
items = {
key1: "value1"
key2: "value2"
The cdktf convert
command generates:
const itemsForEachIterator = TerraformIterator.fromList(
"${{ for d in ${" +
myservice.dictionary +
'} : d.name => d if d.name == "configuration"}}'
new ServiceDictionaryItems(this, "items", {
dictionaryId: Token.asString(
Fn.lookupNested(itemsForEachIterator.value, ["dictionary_id"])
items: {
key1: "value1",
key2: "value2",
serviceId: myservice.id,
forEach: itemsForEachIterator,
But synthesizing returns the following errors:
⠹ Synthesizing
[2023-09-12T09:45:16.685] [ERROR] default - You're using escape sequences (${...}) with CDKTF Built-in functions. This is not supported yet, and the output may be incorrect.
[2023-09-12T09:45:16.686] [ERROR] default - ${{ for d in ${${TfToken[TOKEN.1]}} : d.name => d if d.name == var.mydict_name}}
Error: Invalid character
on cdk.tf.json line 28, in resource.fastly_service_dictionary_items.items (items):
28: "for_each": "${toset(${{ for d in ${tolist(fastly_service_vcl.myservice (myservice).dictionary)} : d.name => d if d.name == var.mydict_name}})}",
This character is not used within the language.
Error: Invalid expression
on cdk.tf.json line 28, in resource.fastly_service_dictionary_items.items (items):
28: "for_each": "${toset(${{ for d in ${tolist(fastly_service_vcl.myservice (myservice).dictionary)} : d.name => d if d.name == var.mydict_name}})}",
Expected the start of an expression, but found an invalid expression token.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!