How to set the maximum number of pods per node in the eks module?

Hi everybody,

We are using the eks module to create an EKS cluster. Is there a way to set the maximum number of pods per node in a managed node group? We want to reduce this limit from the limit calculated by AWS.


Apparently by using user_data with a (self-)managed group (bootstrap_user_data) you can:

--use-max-pods false --kubelet-extra-args '--max-pods=110'

All right, thanks @macmiranda . I will have a look.

@macmiranda Is it only for self-managed node groups? Or does that apply to EKS managed node group too?

Either one should work but each with specific restrictions as noted in the document linked above.

You can configure the maximum number of pods per node by setting the “max_pods_per_node” parameter in the “launch_template” configuration block.

Thanks @aawwais31 . Could you please provide me a link to the documentation? I have been searching for this for ages without success… Thanks a lot!

hello @ftriboix you can search for bootstrap_extra_args
in Terraform Registry