How to use Packer through a proxy

Hey guys,

I’m running Packer to create a vm template on Proxmox without success. The Proxmox server is behind a proxy and the template is not created.

I accessed the Proxmox console to follow the process and saw that an error occurred. When pressing “Enter” and going to the template console, I noticed that a simple “$ apt update” doesn’t work.

My question is, how can I “insert” a proxy into this template so that it can download packages?

2023/09/29 08:31:38 packer-plugin-proxmox_v1.1.5_x5.0_linux_amd64 plugin: 2023/09/29 08:31:38 [DEBUG] Error getting SSH address: 500 QEMU guest agent is not running
2023/09/29 08:31:46 packer-plugin-proxmox_v1.1.5_x5.0_linux_amd64 plugin: 2023/09/29 08:31:46 [DEBUG] Error getting SSH address: 500 QEMU guest agent is not running