2023/03/08 13:39:05 [INFO] Packer version: 1.8.5 [go1.18.9 linux amd64]
2023/03/08 13:39:05 [TRACE] discovering plugins in /usr/bin
2023/03/08 13:39:05 [TRACE] discovering plugins in /home/ra/.config/packer/plugins
2023/03/08 13:39:05 [DEBUG] Discovered plugin: proxmox = /home/ra/.config/packer/plugins/github.com/hashic
2023/03/08 13:39:06 [INFO] found external [clone iso] builders from proxmox plugin
2023/03/08 13:39:06 [TRACE] discovering plugins in .
2023/03/08 13:39:06 [INFO] PACKER_CONFIG env var not set; checking the default config file path
2023/03/08 13:39:06 [INFO] PACKER_CONFIG env var set; attempting to open config file: /home/ra/.packerconf
2023/03/08 13:39:06 [WARN] Config file doesn’t exist: /home/ra/.packerconfig
2023/03/08 13:39:06 [INFO] Setting cache directory: /home/ra/.cache/packer
2023/03/08 13:39:06 [TRACE] init: plugingetter.ListInstallationsOptions{FromFolders:string{"/usr/bin/pac
ker", “.”, “/home/ra/.config/packer/plugins”}, BinaryInstallationOptions:plugingetter.BinaryInstallationOp
tions{APIVersionMajor:“5”, APIVersionMinor:“0”, OS:“linux”, ARCH:“amd64”, Ext:“”, Checksummers:pluginget
ter.Checksummer{plugingetter.Checksummer{Type:“sha256”, Hash:(*sha256.digest)(0xc000604000)}}}}
2023/03/08 13:39:06 [TRACE] listing potential installations for “github.com/hashicorp/proxmox” that match
“>= 1.1.2”. plugingetter.ListInstallationsOptions{FromFolders:string{“/usr/bin/packer”, “.”, "/home/ra/.
config/packer/plugins"}, BinaryInstallationOptions:plugingetter.BinaryInstallationOptions{APIVersionMajor:
“5”, APIVersionMinor:“0”, OS:“linux”, ARCH:“amd64”, Ext:“”, Checksummers:plugingetter.Checksummer{plugin
getter.Checksummer{Type:“sha256”, Hash:(*sha256.digest)(0xc000604000)}}}}
2023/03/08 13:39:06 [TRACE] for plugin github.com/hashicorp/proxmox found 1 matching installation(s)
2023/03/08 13:39:06 [INFO] (telemetry) Finalizing.
2023/03/08 13:39:06 waiting for all plugin processes to complete…
2023/03/08 13:39:06 [INFO] Packer version: 1.8.5 [go1.18.9 linux amd64]
2023/03/08 13:39:06 [TRACE] discovering plugins in /usr/bin
2023/03/08 13:39:06 [TRACE] discovering plugins in /home/ra/.config/packer/plugins
2023/03/08 13:39:06 [DEBUG] Discovered plugin: proxmox = /home/ra/.config/packer/plugins/github.com/hashic
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [INFO] found external [clone iso] builders from proxmox plugin
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] discovering plugins in .
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [INFO] PACKER_CONFIG env var not set; checking the default config file path
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [INFO] PACKER_CONFIG env var set; attempting to open config file: /home/ra/.packerconf
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [WARN] Config file doesn’t exist: /home/ra/.packerconfig
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [INFO] Setting cache directory: /home/ra/.cache/packer
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for cpu_type, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for os, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for ssh_password, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for disable_kvm, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for cores, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for vm_name, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for template_name, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for token, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for onboot, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for cloud_init, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for sockets, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for iso_file, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for task_timeout, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for username, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for pool, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for memory, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for ssh_username, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for ssh_timeout, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for ssh_handshake_attempts, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for unmount_iso, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for scsi_controller, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for ssh_port, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for proxmox_url, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for template_description, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for data_directory, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for shell_setup01, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for insecure_skip_tls_verify, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for iso_checksum, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for node, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] validateValue: not active for qemu_agent, so skipping
2023/03/08 13:39:07 [TRACE] Starting internal plugin packer-builder-proxmox
2023/03/08 13:39:07 Starting plugin: /usr/bin/packer string{“/usr/bin/packer”, “plugin”, "packer-builder
2023/03/08 13:39:07 Waiting for RPC address for: /usr/bin/packer
2023/03/08 13:39:07 packer-builder-proxmox plugin: [INFO] Packer version: 1.8.5 [go1.18.9 linux amd64]
2023/03/08 13:39:07 packer-builder-proxmox plugin: [INFO] PACKER_CONFIG env var not set; checking the defa
ult config file path
2023/03/08 13:39:07 packer-builder-proxmox plugin: [INFO] PACKER_CONFIG env var set; attempting to open co
nfig file: /home/ra/.packerconfig
2023/03/08 13:39:07 packer-builder-proxmox plugin: [WARN] Config file doesn’t exist: /home/ra/.packerconfi
2023/03/08 13:39:07 packer-builder-proxmox plugin: [INFO] Setting cache directory: /home/ra/.cache/packer
2023/03/08 13:39:07 packer-builder-proxmox plugin: args: string{“packer-builder-proxmox”}
2023/03/08 13:39:07 Received unix RPC address for /usr/bin/packer: addr is /tmp/packer-plugin658059523
2023/03/08 13:39:07 packer-builder-proxmox plugin: Plugin address: unix /tmp/packer-plugin658059523
2023/03/08 13:39:07 packer-builder-proxmox plugin: Waiting for connection…
2023/03/08 13:39:07 packer-builder-proxmox plugin: Serving a plugin connection…
Out of curiosity, have you defined this packer block in the template you’re building? I wonder which version of the plugin is being used for this build.