Import s3 bucket from different account

I would like to import and s3 bucket from a different aws account. Currently, I’ve configured all of our AWS accounts with infrastructure that adheres to the CIS foundations benchmark. One of the resources

resource "aws_cloudtrail" "nfcisbenchmark" {
  count = var.environment == "billing" ? 1 : 0 
  name           = "${}"
  s3_bucket_name                = "nf-cisbenchmark-nf-logging-cloudtrail"
  enable_logging                = true
  # 3.2 Ensure CloudTrail log file validation is enabled (Automated)
  enable_log_file_validation    = true
  # 3.1 Ensure CloudTrail is enabled in all regions (Automated)
  is_multi_region_trail         = true
  # CIS Benchmark 3.1 Ensure CloudTrail is enabled in all regions
  # ensuring that a multi-regions trail exists will ensure that Global Service Logging
  # is enabled for a trail by default to capture recording of events generated on AWS
  # global services
  include_global_service_events = true
  is_organization_trail         = "${var.environment == "billing"? true : false}"
  # 3.7 Ensure CloudTrail logs are encrypted at rest using KMS CMKs (Automated)
  kms_key_id                    = aws_kms_key.nfcisbenchmark.arn
  depends_on                    = [aws_s3_bucket.nfcisbenchmark_cloudtrail]
  cloud_watch_logs_role_arn     = aws_iam_role.cloudwatch.arn
  cloud_watch_logs_group_arn    = "${aws_cloudwatch_log_group.nfcisbenchmark.arn}:*"

  event_selector {
    # 3.11 Ensure that Object-level logging for read events is enabled for S3 bucket (Automated)
    read_write_type           = "All"
    include_management_events = true

  // Tags
  tags = {
    Name              = "${}-cloudtrail"
    cost_environment  = "${local.cost_environment}"
    cost_category     = "SEC"
    cost_team_owner   = "MOPRAV"

references and aws_s3_bucket resource from a different aws account. Ideally, I’d like to import this resources so that it can be used like so

resource "aws_cloudtrail" "nfcisbenchmark" {
  count = var.environment == "billing" ? 1 : 0 
  name           = "${}"
  s3_bucket_name                = "nf-cisbenchmark-nf-logging-cloudtrail"
  enable_logging                = true
  # 3.2 Ensure CloudTrail log file validation is enabled (Automated)
  enable_log_file_validation    = true
  # 3.1 Ensure CloudTrail is enabled in all regions (Automated)
  is_multi_region_trail         = true
  # CIS Benchmark 3.1 Ensure CloudTrail is enabled in all regions
  # ensuring that a multi-regions trail exists will ensure that Global Service Logging
  # is enabled for a trail by default to capture recording of events generated on AWS
  # global services
  include_global_service_events = true
  is_organization_trail         = "${var.environment == "billing"? true : false}"
  # 3.7 Ensure CloudTrail logs are encrypted at rest using KMS CMKs (Automated)
  kms_key_id                    = aws_kms_key.nfcisbenchmark.arn
  depends_on                    = [data.aws_s3_bucket.nfcisbenchmark_cloudtrail]
  cloud_watch_logs_role_arn     = aws_iam_role.cloudwatch.arn
  cloud_watch_logs_group_arn    = "${aws_cloudwatch_log_group.nfcisbenchmark.arn}:*"

  event_selector {
    # 3.11 Ensure that Object-level logging for read events is enabled for S3 bucket (Automated)
    read_write_type           = "All"
    include_management_events = true

  // Tags
  tags = {
    Name              = "${}-cloudtrail"
    cost_environment  = "${local.cost_environment}"
    cost_category     = "SEC"
    cost_team_owner   = "MOPRAV"

The specific line is data.aws_s3_bucket.nfcisbenchmark_cloudtrail. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

I ended up just dropping the resource, but I would like to know if anyone knows how to do this.

I’m not quite sure what you are wanting. Are you talking about the reference to a S3 bucket resource in the depends_on?


That’s in the depends_on yes?

Yes, that is correct.

depends_on is used to give Terraform extra information about the dependency graph. In general it isn’t needed (and using it when not needed can actually cause issues). So unless there is a specific need you usually wouln’t use it at all.

What are you hoping using it here would do?

The point is to replace the variable referenced in the code.

I mean why is the depends_on there at all?