Import Storage account Vs Create a Storage account. Required field seem to be optional

I import my storage account. The section I do not understand is

            "azure_files_authentication": [
                "active_directory": [
                    "domain_guid": "",
                    "domain_name": "",
                    "domain_sid": "",
                    "forest_name": "",
                    "netbios_domain_name": "",
                    "storage_sid": ""
                "directory_type": "AADDS"

When I create a new storage account I put the same information:

  azure_files_authentication {
    directory_type = "AADDS" 
    active_directory {
      domain_name = ""
      domain_guid = ""
      domain_sid =  ""
      forest_name = ""
      netbios_domain_name = ""
      storage_sid = ""

Now my plan complain about mandatory fields:

Error: expected "azure_files_authentication.0.active_directory.0.domain_guid" to be a valid UUID, got 
│   with azurerm_storage_account.fs_storage,
│   on line 345, in resource "azurerm_storage_account" "fs_storage":
│  345:       domain_guid = ""
│ Error: expected "azure_files_authentication.0.active_directory.0.domain_sid" to not be an empty string, got 
│   with azurerm_storage_account.fs_storage,
│   on line 346, in resource "azurerm_storage_account" "fs_storage":
│  346:       domain_sid =  ""
│ Error: expected "azure_files_authentication.0.active_directory.0.forest_name" to not be an empty string, got 
│   with azurerm_storage_account.fs_storage,
│   on line 347, in resource "azurerm_storage_account" "fs_storage":
│  347:       forest_name = ""
│ Error: expected "azure_files_authentication.0.active_directory.0.netbios_domain_name" to not be an empty string, got 
│   with azurerm_storage_account.fs_storage,
│   on line 348, in resource "azurerm_storage_account" "fs_storage":
│  348:       netbios_domain_name = ""
│ Error: expected "azure_files_authentication.0.active_directory.0.storage_sid" to not be an empty string, got 
│   with azurerm_storage_account.fs_storage,
│   on line 349, in resource "azurerm_storage_account" "fs_storage":
│  349:       storage_sid = ""

What should I put for my mandatory fields that are complaining ?

    azurerm = {
      source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
      version = ">= 3.11.0"