Input parameters getting disabled while creating AWS SSM task with terrform

I have created Maintenance window and task to start EC2 instance using terraform below is the code:

resource "aws_ssm_maintenance_window_task" "StopTask" {
count  = var.Enabled == "true" ? 1 : 0
max_concurrency  = "100%"
max_errors       = "100%"
name             = "StopJumpEc2"
priority         = 1
service_role_arn = aws_iam_role.EC2_start_stop.0.arn
task_arn         = "AWS-StopEC2Instance"
task_type        = "AUTOMATION"
window_id        =

targets {
    key    = "WindowTargetIds"
    values = [

task_invocation_parameters {
    automation_parameters {
        document_version = "$DEFAULT"

        parameter {                        // same result if you remove or add this :(
            name   = "AutomationAssumeRole"
            values = [
        parameter {
            name   = "InstanceId"
            values = [