Is cluster scaling with Nomad autoscaler stable for production deploy


As per the post , the nomad autoscaler is in beta cycle.

It is a great feature that we have been waiting for. Just wondering when will it have a stable release for production deploy.

This project is in the early stages of development and is supplied without guarantees and subject to change without warning

Hi @unmaunni and thanks for raising this question. I had a discussion with another team member yesterday in the hopes we can provide better clarity on what is a complex and difficult question.

Internally, the team is running an environment which performs periodic scheduled tests of the horizontal scaling functionality which has been working very well for the past month. The tricky aspect for us to test and simulate is real world failure scenarios and scalability. Despite our best efforts to understand, plan and architect for this, there will be situations which we have not considered or come across yet.

We do not expect any of the user facing configuration options to change apart from the addition of enhancements. What may change are the plugin interfaces which would impact you if you’re writing plugins. In this case, we will very carefully consider the changes and be open to feedback where possible.

A feature I personally consider to be a requirement for production deployment is having metrics available for monitoring and alerting. This is currently being designed and discussed internally and should provide increased confidence alongside insights into the autoscalers performance.

I hope this helps, even though it doesn’t necessarily answer with a definitive when. Please reach out if you have further questions or feedback, we are always keen to hear from the community.

jrasell and the Nomad team.