Need some pointer on publishing(versioning) terraform module to private terraform registry. Is it possible to publish nested submodules in private terraform registry? I know it is possible with public terraform registry but unable to do so in private one.
The documentation is contradictory.
It says One module per repository. The registry cannot use combined repositories with multiple modules. But it also says Standard module structure. The module must adhere to the standard module structure. In which nested submodules are published.
Thanks for posting this question. Under the hood, the Private Module Registry is seeing the same module structure and identifying the nested submodules. However, it is not currently exposed in the GUI. We plan to address this in a future release. However, today you can view the submodules using the API, and you can use them in your terraform code. The syntax would be the same as what’s shown on the public registry, adapted to the address of your Private Module Registry.
This functionality, while supported in the code, is highly coveted over here. Not only support for submodules but also support for examples as the public registry does. Is anyone able to update this thread and/or point to somewhere else where it is being tracked centrally?? I know there isn’t a uservoice or similar but it’d be great to really shine a brighter light on this.
Hi all, thank you for posting! I have checked with the team and submodules in the PMR GUI is expected to be available in Terraform Cloud next month, with Terraform Enterprise following.