Hi there! I’m new to Go development. Is there a Go library for consul-template?
As an example, there is a Vault Go library.
Hi there! I’m new to Go development. Is there a Go library for consul-template?
As an example, there is a Vault Go library.
Hi @UnguardedFist,
Welcome to the HashiCorp Forums!
Consul-template itself is a Go library, and can be imported and used in your Go programs.
ref: template package - github.com/hashicorp/consul-template/template - Go Packages
This is how for example Nomad uses consul-template: nomad/client/allocrunner/taskrunner/template/template.go at 76e39b1c1ebe4663093da4e5735ac694d639e3a0 · hashicorp/nomad · GitHub
I hope this helps!