Is there a way to wait for env var to be available in a consul template?

				"SourcePath": "",
				"DestPath": "local/consul.env",
				"EmbeddedTmpl": "{{ with secret \"consul/creds/socat-role\" }}CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN={{ .Data.token }}\nSTAR_SOCAT_CONSUL_TOKEN={{ .Data.token }}\n{{ end }}",
				"ChangeMode": "restart",
				"ChangeSignal": "",
				"Splay": 5000000000,
				"Perms": "0600",
				"LeftDelim": "{{",
				"RightDelim": "}}",
				"Envvars": true,
				"VaultGrace": 15000000000
			}, {
				"SourcePath": "",
				"DestPath": "local/tokenx.env",
				"EmbeddedTmpl": "{{ or (env \"CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN\") \"12345\" }}",
				"ChangeMode": "restart",
				"ChangeSignal": "",
				"Splay": 5000000000,
				"Perms": "0600",
				"LeftDelim": "{{",
				"RightDelim": "}}",
				"Envvars": false,
				"VaultGrace": 15000000000

I’ve two template stanzas in my nomad job as shown above. The first one generates a consul token from secret store and in the second one I want to use the env var set by the first template. However since env function is non blocking (from what I understand) the second template always gets no value (if default is not provided) or default.
I’m wondering if there is a better way to handle such a case?