Iterating and creating dynamic nrql alerts

Hi Guys,

I am trying to create nrql alerts dynamically by passing a complex object i.e.

variable “newrelic_nrql_alert_condition” {
description = “set dynamic nrql alerts”
type = list(object({
policy_id = string,
type = string,
name = string,
violation_time_limit = string,
nrql = object({
query = string,
evaluation_offset = number
critical = object({
operator = string,
threshold = number,
threshold_duration = number,
threshold_occurrences = string
warning = object({
operator = string,
threshold = number,
threshold_duration = number,
threshold_occurrences = string

I am not sure how i can process the maps inside this object when i create the resource.
It look like the object is there as per the error message each.value is object with 7 attributes

Error: Unsupported attribute

on .terraform/modules/service-monitoring/ line 167, in resource “newrelic_nrql_alert_condition” “nrql_alert”:
167: query = each.value.query
| each.value is object with 7 attributes

This object does not have an attribute named “query”.

Any help is highly appreciated.
