I’ve sidecar proxies running on a few services and setup ingress gateway. I added envoy static json for sending tracing to Jaeger. I can see envoy adding this in the config (exposed jaeger collector port through nodePort):
“cluster”: {
“@type”: “type.googleapis.com/envoy.api.v2.Cluster”,
“name”: “zipkin”,
“type”: “STRICT_DNS”,
“connect_timeout”: “3s”,
“dns_lookup_family”: “V4_ONLY”,
“load_assignment”: {
“cluster_name”: “zipkin”,
“endpoints”: [
“lb_endpoints”: [
“endpoint”: {
“address”: {
“socket_address”: {
“address”: “x.x.x.x”,
“port_value”: 30914
Not using any agents on the applications side yet but when I make calls through ingress, I expected to see “proxy” showing up in Jaeger UI but there’s nothing. I can do a curl call, get successful response through the ingress and it does look like it’s a call going through envoy.
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< content-length: 31
< date: Sun, 09 Aug 2020 21:47:33 GMT < x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 1 < server: envoy
Shouldn’t I expect to see something in Jaeger UI? Like I mentioned, not wanting to see any application specific spans (those do show up, by the way) but wanted to see proxy calls. Am I missing something?
Also, someone pointed me to this repo where a demo was done with Jaeger. While I haven’t personally used it, I wanted to make sure others may be able to find it as well!
Thank you. Followed that example but still no luck. I’ll keep checking. Also central proxy-defaults for envoy_extra_static_clusters_json and envoy_tracing_json doesn’t seem to work. I had to define within the service. It added something like this once I defined in the service…see hidden_envoy_deprecated_config…