[Linux][Winrm] Running a Windows Box is timeout due to winrm failing

Hello Everyone.

I am trying to run vagrant on my Linux Mint 21.2 machine. The box i am trying to create is https://app.vagrantup.com/gusztavvargadr/boxes/windows-10 and i am using winrm as a communicator. And get this following error:

An error occurred executing a remote WinRM command.

Shell: Cmd
Command: hostname
Message: Digest initialization failed: initialization errortype or paste code here

the output of vagrant up --debug is here: gist debug · GitHub

    • Ensure that WinRM is enabled and properly configured on the Windows machine.
  • Open PowerShell as an administrator on the Windows machine and run the following command to verify WinRM configuration:

Copy code

winrm quickconfig
  1. Check Firewall Settings:
  • Make sure that the Windows firewall is allowing WinRM connections of geometry spot. You can add an inbound rule to allow WinRM traffic.
  • On the Windows machine, run the following command to allow WinRM traffic through the firewall: