I must to perform a migration from service mesh in VM to kubernetes inside a service mesh consul (with cluster federation) (migration service by service, not big bang migration)
I have one kubernetes cluster for "prod env managed by prod team, and another k8s cluser for non prod env managed by my team.
Initially I projected to create a namespace per environment, with a consul k8s inside it and isolated with security features (mtls acl…).
So for each environments:
- there are a set of VMS in one side which contains some services,
- and in another side there is a namespace witch contains a consul- k8s installed inside it
- and the cluster federation is activated beetwin both sides
This approach with multiple consul-k8s in one kubernetes cluster seems not possible.
Correct me if I’m mistaken.
Is there a solution to manage multiple environment (isolated between each other, for acl, intention, MTLS features and isolated service mesh) with one consul k8s installed in one cluster k8s ?
is the only solution is 1 env = 1 consul-k8s installed in cluster k8s?