I installed edk2-ovmf in the Manjaro package manager and added this line to my build:
firmware = "/usr/share/edk2-ovmf/x64/OVMF.fd"
When do this TianCore starts up fine, but fails to close.
Instead it ends up hanging during reboot at this point:
Packer build file
variable "country" {
type = string
default = "NL"
variable "headless" {
type = string
default = "false"
variable "ssh_timeout" {
type = string
default = "20m"
variable "write_zeros" {
type = string
default = "true"
variable "iso_url" {
type = string
variable "iso_checksum" {
type = string
locals {
boot_command = [
"su -<enter><wait3>",
"/usr/bin/curl -O http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/enable-ssh.sh<enter><wait3>",
"/usr/bin/curl -O http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/poweroff.timer<enter><wait3>",
"/usr/bin/bash ./enable-ssh.sh<enter><wait15>",
iso_checksum = "${var.iso_checksum}"
iso_url = "${var.iso_url}"
name = "manjaro-arm-installer"
vm_name = "manjaro-arm-installer"
source "qemu" "main" {
accelerator = "kvm"
boot_command = "${local.boot_command}"
boot_wait = "2s"
communicator = "ssh"
cpus = 1
disk_interface = "virtio"
disk_size = 4096
firmware = "/usr/share/edk2-ovmf/x64/OVMF.fd"
format = "qcow2"
headless = "${var.headless}"
http_directory = "srv"
iso_checksum = "${local.iso_checksum}"
iso_url = "${local.iso_url}"
memory = 2048
net_device = "virtio-net"
output_directory = "output"
shutdown_command = "sudo systemctl start poweroff.timer"
ssh_username = "vagrant"
ssh_password = "vagrant"
ssh_port = 22
ssh_timeout = "${var.ssh_timeout}"
vm_name = "${local.vm_name}.qcow2"
vnc_port_max = 5910
vnc_port_min = 5910
build {
name = "manjaro-arm-installer"
sources = ["source.qemu.main"]
provisioner "file" {
destination = "/tmp/"
source = "./files"
provisioner "shell" {
execute_command = "{{ .Vars }} COUNTRY=${var.country} sudo -E -S bash '{{ .Path }}'"
expect_disconnect = true
script = "scripts/install-base-btrfs-gpt-lbios.sh"
provisioner "shell" {
execute_command = "{{ .Vars }} WRITE_ZEROS=${var.write_zeros} sudo -E -S bash '{{ .Path }}'"
script = "scripts/cleanup.sh"
post-processor "vagrant" {
keep_input_artifact = true
output = "output/${local.vm_name}_${source.type}_${source.name}-${formatdate("YYYY-MM", timestamp())}.box"
vagrantfile_template = "templates/vagrantfile.tpl"