Metric expression in TargetTrackingScaling aws_autoscaling_policy

I try to use a metric expression for my autoscaling group almost as in the example at Terraform Registry.

but I’ve got the following policy in the AWS console. which is looking not so good.

and I can’t do the same policy by the UI.

and also autoscaling doesn’t work. even when the metrics have the following values

is this option still supported? can you please help me to figure this out?

forgot to provide source code:

resource "aws_autoscaling_policy" "calls" {
  autoscaling_group_name =
  name                   = "calls"
  policy_type            = "TargetTrackingScaling"

  target_tracking_configuration {
    target_value = 10
    customized_metric_specification {
      metrics {
        label = "Total calls number"
        id    = "totalcount"
        metric_stat {
          metric {
            namespace   = "my_namespace"
            metric_name = "totalcount"
            dimensions {
              name  = "Environment"
              value = local.tags["Environment"]
          stat = "Average"
        return_data = false
      metrics {
        label = "Get the group size"
        id    = "number"
        metric_stat {
          metric {
            namespace   = "AWS/AutoScaling"
            metric_name = "GroupInServiceInstances"
            dimensions {
              name  = "AutoScalingGroupName"
              value =
          stat = "Average"
        return_data = false
      metrics {
        label       = "Calculate calls per instance"
        id          = "e1"
        expression  = "totalcount / number"
        return_data = true