Hi Katy - thanks for the quick response; apologies for my delayed response
Here is one example, which is parsing a config (in this case a YAML config) for GCP security policy rules. Much of our Terraform design is gitops based flows with YAML configs so our engineers can PR infrastructure change requests. We try to drive desirable behavior by via thoughtful choice of defaults - ie: allow for config to achieve common behavior via very simple declarative structure; but opt into more custom behavior by specifying more details, often in the form of additional map key/values. In this case, the priority of the rule corresponds to the index in the list.
security_policy_rules = [
for rule in [
for idx, rule in var.security_policy_rules : defaults(
action = "deny(403)"
preview = false,
priority = idx,
] : merge(
rule.versioned_expr != null ? { src_ip_ranges = ["*"] } : {},
Here is a snippet from the config we use to provision Terraform Cloud workspaces via a YAML config, implementing an opinionated convention of workspace naming.
config_workspaces = merge(flatten([
for name, workspace in {
for name, workspace in var.config_workspaces : name => defaults(
allow_destroy_plan = false
auto_apply = true
file_triggers_enabled = length(
regexall("__", name)
) > 0
global_remote_state = false
identifier = "stordco/${split("__", name)[0]}"
terraform_version = var.terraform_version
queue_all_runs = true
} : [
for region in coalescelist(workspace.regions, [""]) : {
join("--", compact([name, region])) = workspace
…and for users, setting a default (but overridable) email coupled to username:
for username, member in var.config_members : username => defaults(
email = "${username}@stord.com",
Another use case is where we have a single variable structure that we ingest; but we then use transformations to process it in different contexts (ie: would not be suitable to place in the variable
definition). Use case is Auth0 config rule scripts.
scripts = merge(
for idx, script in var.config_rules.scripts : [
for script_id, script_args in script : {
(script_id) = merge(
enabled = true
name = script_id
{ order = idx + 1 },
Here is another pattern where in our input variables we have a “special” hash key (_DEFAULTS
) that we can use to set our org-wide repo defaults in the same map that is processed to create repos. Context is GitHub config.
locals {
config_repos = {
for name, repo in var.config_repos : name => merge(
for setting in [
] : (setting) => lookup(var.config_repos["_DEFAULTS"], setting, null)
autolink_references = merge(
coalesce(var.config_repos["_DEFAULTS"].autolink_references, {}),
coalesce(repo.autolink_references, {}),
environments = {
for env_name, env in coalesce(repo.environments, {}) : env_name => merge(
{ protected_branches = false },
reviewers = {
members = coalesce(
coalesce(env.reviewers, {}),
teams = coalesce(
coalesce(env.reviewers, {}),
secrets = coalesce(env.secrets, {})
teams_admin : concat(
repo.teams_admin == null ? var.config_repos["_DEFAULTS"].teams_admin : repo.teams_admin,
["Repo Admins"]
if length(regexall("^_", name)) == 0
The idea with this transformation is to keep all the logic in one place, which lets our resource definition be very simple; the for loop in the defaults arg lets us maintain a very clean and simple list of settings that we accommodate. Here’s the corresponding resource definition for context:
resource "github_repository" "this" {
for_each = local.config_repos
allow_auto_merge = each.value.allow_auto_merge
allow_merge_commit = each.value.allow_merge_commit
allow_rebase_merge = each.value.allow_rebase_merge
allow_squash_merge = each.value.allow_squash_merge
archived = each.value.archived
auto_init = each.value.auto_init
delete_branch_on_merge = each.value.delete_branch_on_merge
description = each.value.description
has_downloads = each.value.has_downloads
has_issues = each.value.has_issues
has_projects = each.value.has_projects
has_wiki = each.value.has_wiki
homepage_url = each.value.homepage_url
is_template = each.value.is_template
name = each.key
topics = each.value.topics
visibility = each.value.visibility
vulnerability_alerts = each.value.vulnerability_alerts
dynamic "template" {
for_each = toset(compact([each.value.template]))
content {
owner = split("/", template.value)[0]
repository = split("/", template.value)[1]
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [branches, pages]