Multiple providers for aws_kms_replica_key resouce

i have issue creating kms key replica in different region.
We have main where i am declaring both aws providers in different regions
terraform {

backend “s3” {}

required_providers {
aws = {
source = “hashicorp/aws”
#version = “3.52”
version = “4.33”


required_version = “>= 1.0.0”


provider “aws” {
alias = “primary”
region = var.env_vars[var.environment].region

default_tags {
tags = {
Owner = lower(var.owner)
Environment = lower(var.environment)
Build_tag = var.build_tag
#Backup = var.env_vars[var.environment].backup

provider “aws” {
alias = “replica”
region = var.env_vars[“replica”].region

then inside i am calling kms module like
module “kms” {
source = “./modules/kms”

account_id = local.account_id
aws_accounts = module.organization.accounts
providers = {
aws.primary = aws.primary
aws.replica = aws.replica

in ./modules/kms/

terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
source = “hashicorp/aws”
version = “4.33”
configuration_aliases = [ aws.primary, aws.replica ]

and in ./modules/kms/

resource “aws_kms_key” “backupvault” {
provider = aws.primary
description = “KMS key used for account level backups”
is_enabled = true
multi_region = true
policy = jsonencode(…)

resource “aws_kms_alias” “backupvault” {
provider = aws.primary
name = “alias/aws-z-z-z-z-kms-z-backup-z”
target_key_id =

resource “aws_kms_replica_key” “backupvault” {
description = “Multi-region replica backupvault key”
primary_key_arn = aws_kms_key.backupvault.arn

provider = aws.replica

and i am getting errors
Error: Missing required provider configuration

│ on line 134:
│ 134: module “kms” {

│ The child module requires an additional configuration for provider hashicorp/aws, with the local name “aws.primary”.

│ Refer to the module’s documentation to understand the intended purpose of this additional provider configuration, and then add an entry for aws.primary in the “providers” meta-argument in the module block
│ to choose which provider configuration the module should use for that purpose.

│ Error: Missing required provider configuration

│ on line 134:
│ 134: module “kms” {

│ The child module requires an additional configuration for provider hashicorp/aws, with the local name “aws.replica”.

│ Refer to the module’s documentation to understand the intended purpose of this additional provider configuration, and then add an entry for aws.replica in the “providers” meta-argument in the module block
│ to choose which provider configuration the module should use for that purpose.

I am wondering if it can be because backend-config we are defining region but i guess no…

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