I have two tasks within the same group in Nomad and would like to have the port 6000 exposed by one task and connected to by the other task.
However I don’t want the port 6000 exposed to anyone OUTSIDE of the task group, since it has the insecure x11 protocol exposed.
Here is the nomad job I built:
job "vnc" {
group "vnc" {
network {
port "vnc" {
to = 8080
port "x11" {
static = 6000
task "vnc" {
driver = "docker"
config {
image = "theasp/novnc"
ports = ["vnc","x11"]
env {
task "browser" {
driver = "docker"
config {
entrypoint = ["sh", "-c", "sleep 5; /opt/intellij/bin/idea.sh"]
env {
The job works, however I find myself with 6000 exposed to the entire network but I wanted that ported only exposed to the other task(s) in my group.
I wonder if I have to use consul connect for this, it seems a bit overkill.