New provider based on Framework: Error parsing plan


I am developing a provider using terraform-plugin-framework v0.9.0. I started with the terraform-provider-scaffolding-framework.

go install, terraform init, and terraform plan all work as expected. However, when doing a terraform apply I am getting the following error, which I have been unable to successfully troubleshoot.

Error: Error parsing plan
hostname_resource::Create - An unexpected error was encountered parsing the plan. This is always a bug in the provider.

[DEBUG] provider.stdio: received EOF, stopping recv loop: err=“rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing”

Any pointers in how I can troubleshoot this would be much appreciated.
Provider.go and relevant resource code are below.



package provider

import (


	antclient "terraform-provider-ant/internal/client"

// Ensure provider defined types fully satisfy framework interfaces
var _ tfsdk.Provider = &provider{}

type provider struct {
	client *antclient.Client
	configured bool
	version string

type providerData struct {

func (p *provider) Configure(ctx context.Context, req tfsdk.ConfigureProviderRequest, resp *tfsdk.ConfigureProviderResponse) {
	var data providerData
	diags := req.Config.Get(ctx, &data)
	if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {

	client, err := antclient.NewClient()
	if err != nil {
		resp.Diagnostics.AddError("Error creating ANT client", fmt.Sprintf("An unexpected error was encountered creating an API client.\n\nDetails:  %s", err.Error()))

	p.client = client // provider client is now available

	p.version = "dev"
	p.configured = true
	tflog.Debug(ctx, "provider::Configure -  provider is configured")

func (p *provider) GetResources(ctx context.Context) (map[string]tfsdk.ResourceType, diag.Diagnostics) {
	var logout = map[string]tfsdk.ResourceType{
		"ant_hostname": hostnameResourceType{},
	return map[string]tfsdk.ResourceType{
		"ant_hostname": hostnameResourceType{},
	}, nil

func (p *provider) GetDataSources(ctx context.Context) (map[string]tfsdk.DataSourceType, diag.Diagnostics) {
	return map[string]tfsdk.DataSourceType{}, nil

func (p *provider) GetSchema(ctx context.Context) (tfsdk.Schema, diag.Diagnostics) {
	return tfsdk.Schema{}, nil

func New(version string) func() tfsdk.Provider {
	var diags diag.Diagnostics
	diags.AddWarning("\nprovider::New::", "103 - tfsdk.Provider{},,\n")
	return func() tfsdk.Provider {
		return &provider{
			version: version,

func convertProviderType(in tfsdk.Provider) (provider, diag.Diagnostics) {
	var diags diag.Diagnostics

	p, ok := in.(*provider)

	if !ok {
			"Unexpected Provider Instance Type",
			fmt.Sprintf("While creating the data source or resource, an unexpected provider type (%T) was received. This is always a bug in the provider code and should be reported to the provider developers.", p),
		return provider{}, diags

	if p == nil {
			"Unexpected Provider Instance Type",
			"While creating the data source or resource, an unexpected empty provider instance was received. This is always a bug in the provider code and should be reported to the provider developers.",
		return provider{}, diags

	return *p, diags


package provider

import (
	antclient "terraform-provider-ant/internal/client"

// Ensure provider defined types fully satisfy framework interfaces
var _ tfsdk.ResourceType = hostnameResourceType{}

type hostnameResourceType struct{}

func (t hostnameResourceType) GetSchema(ctx context.Context) (tfsdk.Schema, diag.Diagnostics) {
	return tfsdk.Schema{
		// This description is used by the documentation generator and the language server.
		MarkdownDescription: "Hostname resource",

		Attributes: map[string]tfsdk.Attribute{
			"location": {
				MarkdownDescription: "Location:  where the VM exists.  Use the appropriate **Code** from",
				Required:            true,
				Type:                types.StringType,
			"os": {
				Required:            true,
				MarkdownDescription: "Operating System:  \"l\" for Linux, \"w\" for Windows",
				Type:                types.StringType,
			"environment": {
				Required:            true,
				MarkdownDescription: "Environment:  lifecycle stage the asset implements.  Use the appropriate **Code** from",
				Type:                types.StringType,
			"infratype": {
				// Computed:            true,
				// Required:            false,
				// Optional:            false,
				Required:            true,
				MarkdownDescription: "Infrastructure Type: \"2\" for Virtual Compute Asset  ",
				Type:                types.StringType,
			"assetContext": {
				Required:            true,
				MarkdownDescription: "Asset Context: the Fiserv Service the VM belongs to.  Use the appropriate **Code** from",
				Type:                types.StringType,
			"assetPurpose": {
				Required:            true,
				MarkdownDescription: "Asset Purpose:  the function, or purpose, the VM performs.  Use the appropriate **Code** from",
				Type:                types.StringType,
			"description": {
				Required:            true,
				MarkdownDescription: "Description:  Arbitrary text to describe the VM",
				Type:                types.StringType,
			"contact": {
				Required:            true,
				MarkdownDescription: "Email address of person responsible for the VM.",
				Type:                types.StringType,
	}, nil

type hostnameResourceData struct {
	Location     types.String `tfsdk:"location"`
	OS           types.String `tfsdk:"os"`
	Environment  types.String `tfsdk:"environment"`
	Infratype    types.String `tfsdk:"infratype"`
	AssetContext types.String `tfsdk:"assetContext"`
	AssetPurpose types.String `tfsdk:"assetPurpose"`
	Description  types.String `tfsdk:"description"`
	Contact      types.String `tfsdk:"contact"`

type hostnameResourceData1 struct {
	// Location     types.String `tfsdk:"location"`
	// OS           types.String `tfsdk:"os"`
	// Environment  types.String `tfsdk:"environment"`
	// Infratype    types.String `tfsdk:"infratype"`
	// AssetContext types.String `tfsdk:"assetContext"`
	// AssetPurpose types.String `tfsdk:"assetPurpose"`
	// Description  types.String `tfsdk:"description"`
	// Contact      types.String `tfsdk:"contact"`
	Name types.String `tfsdk:"name"`

func (t hostnameResourceType) NewResource(ctx context.Context, in tfsdk.Provider) (tfsdk.Resource, diag.Diagnostics) {
	provider, diags := convertProviderType(in)
	return hostnameResource{
		provider: provider,
	}, diags
type hostnameResource struct {
	provider provider

// The provider uses the Create function to create a new resource based on the schema data.
func (r hostnameResource) Create(ctx context.Context, req tfsdk.CreateResourceRequest, resp *tfsdk.CreateResourceResponse) {

	var data hostnameResourceData
	// Retrieves values from the plan. The function will attempt to retrieve values from the plan and convert it to the hostnameResourceData struct.

	if r.provider.configured {
		tflog.Debug(ctx, "hostname_resource::Create::141 -  The Provider is Configured.")
	} else {
		tflog.Error(ctx, "hostname_resource::Create::143 -  The Provider is NOT Configured.")
		resp.Diagnostics.AddError("Provider is NOT Configured.", "hostname_resource::Create::143 The Provider is NOT Configured.")

	planErr := req.Plan.Get(ctx, &data)
	if planErr != nil {
		resp.Diagnostics.AddError("Error parsing plan", "hostname_resource::Create - An unexpected error was encountered parsing the plan. This is always a bug in the provider.\n\nDetail:  ")