New Vault Deployment in nomad

Hello Team,

Please let me know how to add vault in nomad,

Hi @asd99557,

The Nomad website has a Vault integration page which would be my suggested starting place when looking to setup Nomad -> Vault integration. Additionally the HashiCorp Learn site has a Nomad -> Vault integration series which could also prove useful.

jrasell and the Nomad team.


Having 3 server cluster, my question is so i need to install vault in all 3 server ?

Hi @asd99557,

Depending on the storage backend you are using I would recommend reading through the day one Consul and day one Raft Learn guides for Vault. They include reference architecture which should help you.

Nomad itself doesn’t need a mapping of Nomad server to Vault server, so the deployment should be determined by your requirements such as pricing, high-availability and project timeline.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

jrasell and the Nomad team.