[NEWBIE] Cannot Access Consul UI by Following Set up a Nomad cluster on AWS

Hello Everyone, Sorry Newbie here
I just follow this tutorial :

After deploy, I cannot access the Consul UI from terraform output
After enable port 8500 in SG to all also nothing, then I edit the consul.hcl by uncomment a couple section, then I came with this:

root@ip-172-31-25-174:/home/ubuntu# grep -v '^#' /etc/consul.d/consul.hcl 

datacenter = "gardito-nomad-cluster"

data_dir = "/opt/consul"

client_addr = ""

ui = true
addresses {
  http = ""          # Bind the HTTP API to all interfaces

server = true

bind_addr = "" # Listen on all IPv4
advertise_addr = ""


After that I can access the Consul UI but I got this everytime I’m going to everywhere of menu

Is it because It have 3 Servers and 2 Clients ?

That 500 is indeed telling you that there is no quorum – that means the service can’t operate properly, because it’s not sure who is the leader. If you are expecting the servers to bootstrap with 3 servers, but you only have 2, you will not be able to bootstrap, since you’re waiting for the third. Furthermore, with 2 servers you will never be able to win an election, so a leader can not be elected.

What is the topology of your setup? How many machines are configured to be server? How many to be client or both server/client? If you’ve only got 1 machine acting as server, you could change the bootstrap expect to 1 and at least allow a leader to be elected.

From the tutorial, it have 3 server and 2 client
I just following the tutorial
Do you have clear tutorial with production architecture (3 server and a couple clients)
With Consul, Nomad, Vault and Docker/Container, also my question is do we really need consul-template ?
I confuse with the tutorial above
Right now I’m trying this blog from Mr. Rob Barnes

Looks like it clear, no Packer need it, and the most recent I got from googling