I have configured SSH certificate injection with HCP Boundary using the tutorial (SSH certificate injection with HCP Boundary | Boundary | HashiCorp Developer)
I have used a separate ssh host as the target within the same network of boundary worker and vault server.
everything worked fine and I was able to connect to the target from the boundary desktop and CLI as well. (I got the confirmation via ssh target internal IP)
But the problem is there is no shell once I connect to the target. The error is same for boundary desktop shell, cmd local host connection and boundary cli connect.
Appreciate if anyone can support on this or share any similar experiences.
Clarifying question: if you SSH to this host outside of using Boundary, do you get a shell?
Hi mechael,
Thanks you for the response.
outside the boundary (direclty from cloud console SSH option) I can ssh without any issue.
i have tested using both cent os and ubuntu VMs which are freshly created for this lab. so I don’t think there is any issue on the targets.