The Nomad team is excited to announce the release of Nomad Autoscaler 0.4.0. This release includes the following features and improvements as well as a number of bug fixes.
High Availability by allowing multiple instances of the autoscaler to run at the same time with only one actively executing
Adding metadata to drained nodes, so they can be easily identified within Nomad
Please report any issues found to GitHub or this list and thanks to the community for numerous bug reports and PRs.
Thank you,
The Nomad Team
0.4.0 Changelog - nomad-autoscaler/ at release/0.4.0 · hashicorp/nomad-autoscaler · GitHub
0.4.0 Binaries - Nomad Autoscaler v0.4.0 Binaries | HashiCorp Releases
0.4.0 Docker image - Docker