Nomad consul and traefik


I’m new to nomad and I want to know if I deploy traefik for reverse proxy using the consul backend what’s the best way to register the names on DNS? Should I use DNS round robin entry to circle through the nomad workers like it’s done with fabio?


Hey Bruno,

What does the setup look like that you are trying to create? And where will the proxy be located in that setup (with which goal?)


I’m trying to plan ahead. I want to use traefik and some prometheus containers, alert manager, pushgateway, karma… What I’m still a bit confused it’s the integration with the outside world. How should I register the traefik entries on my DNS server so I can connect? If a worker node goes down will it be transparent?

Hope I have explain myself right.



Basically I’m confused about the best scenario. Should I use a load balancer that checks all the worker nodes on nomad cluster and point the DNS to the IP of the load balancer? This way I can handle a node failure.



One more doubt. While using nomad and consul, for instance with a prometheus and grafana container I have some doubts:

  • since there’s no consul inside the container how can I resolve the prometheus “host” in order to configure the datasource?

And to clarify the scenario, I was thinking using traefik in a container but I still don’t know how to solve the DNS issue.
