Nomad Docker Bind Ports to Specific IP


We have a openresty server we are trying to deploy via nomad. Currently it runs via docker and is manually started with the following command.

docker run --name humio-rp -p 443:443 --log-opt max-size=1g --log-opt max-file=3 openresty/openresty:centos

The docker container binds the 443 port like so:>443/tcp

When we try to deploy via nomad with the following code it results in docker binding it not to>443/tcp

Nomad code is as follows:

group "proxy" {
  network {
    port "https" {
    to = "443"
task "proxy" {
  driver = "docker"
    config {
      image = "openresty/openresty:centos"
      hostname = "${attr.unique.hostname}"
      logging {
         config {
           max-size= "500m"
           max-file= "3"
      ports = ["https"]

How would we tell Nomad to specify to bind HTTPS/443 to

I am not sure at the moment about but you can set the interface in the Agent’s config which is then used as the address.