Nomad ingress gateway with tls enable

currently we are using ingress to expose for internal user access directly. Howver, now we have a frontend want to expose and want to use mtls (or any ways to have https easily).

We check this document: gateway Stanza - Job Specification | Nomad by HashiCorp

I found that we can

»tls Parameters
enabled (bool: false) - Set this configuration to enable TLS for every listener on the gateway. If TLS is enabled, then each host defined in the host field will be added as a DNSSAN to the gateway's x509 certificate.

but when I change the port to http, it shows Error submitting job: Unexpected response code: 500 (Unexpected response code: 500 (service “xxx” has protocol “tcp”, which does not match defined listener protocol “http”))

how do I resolve it?

job "xxx-ingress" {

  datacenters = [ "yyy" ]

  group "xxx-ingress" {

    network {
      mode = "bridge"

      port "inbound" {
        static = 5002
        to     = 3002

    service {
      name = "xxx-ingress"
      port = "3002"

      connect {
        gateway {

          # Consul gateway [envoy] proxy options.
          proxy {


          # Consul Ingress Gateway Configuration Entry.
          ingress {
            tls {
              enabled = true

            listener {
              port     = 3002
              protocol = "http"
              service {
                name = "xxx"
                hosts = [ ", "" ]

also, for the nomad service:

variable "docker_image" {
  type = string

job "xxx" {

  datacenters = [ "yyy" ]
  type = "service"

  reschedule {
    delay          = "10s"
    delay_function = "exponential"
    max_delay      = "120s"
    unlimited      = true

  group "xxx" {
    count = 1

    network {
      mode = "bridge"
      dns {
        servers = [ "sss" ]
      port "http" {}
      port "https" {}


    restart {
      interval = "2m"
      attempts = 8
      delay    = "15s"
      mode     = "delay"

    service {
      name = "xxx"
      port = 3002

      connect {
        sidecar_service {
          proxy {
            upstreams {
                destination_name = "bbb"
                local_bind_port  = 3000

    task "xxx" {
      driver = "docker"
      leader = true

      config {
        image = var.docker_image
        labels {
          service_name = "xxx"
        mounts = [
            type = "bind"
            target = "/app/.prod.env"
            source = "/env"

      resources {
        cpu    = 1024
        memory = 1024

Hi @mpl, I believe you are running into the Consul stipulation where you must pre-create a Service Config Entry declaring the service to be of type “http”.

There is desire to improve the UX when combined with Nomad, but it hasn’t been implemented yet. Until then, you’ll need to manage the manage the Consul Service Config Entry yourself.