I am working on prometheus setup for Nomad. Existing nomad-pack for prometheus still uses consul nomad-pack-community-registry/packs/prometheus/variables.hcl at main · hashicorp/nomad-pack-community-registry · GitHub, so have to workaround.
When using nomad_sd_configs, prometheus find services exposed, but doesn’t find nomad clients and servers themselves. With consuld_sd_configs it is possible to find nomad-client
type of instance and scrape metrics from it.
How can I do the same with nomad_sd_configs? Find nomad client instances, for example?
Here is the setup i have now and honestly it doesn’t make much sense, as services found through service discovery will not expose metrics on /v1/metrics
endpoind - this is for the nomad itself.
- job_name: "nomad_client"
metrics_path: "/v1/metrics"
- "prometheus"
- server: "{{ env "attr.unique.network.ip-address" }}:4646"