Prometheus now supports Nomad native service discovery

In Prometheus 2.37.0, we have a new service discovery: Nomad’s new
built-in service discovery is the 27th service discovery mechanism
supported by Prometheus (


This is amazing, thanks @attachmentgenie and to everyone else involved! <3

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Hello, do you have any scrapping sample. I can’t find a way to have the same metrics as metrics comming from consul

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Hi @edouardkleinhans,

Which metrics from Consul are you referring to? I can come up with an example based on this.

jrasell and the Nomad team

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The nomad-autoscaler demos have a working example. Also a bit confused about what you mean by the metrics from Consul. The metrics will be the same whether or not you use nomad_sd_configs or consul_sd_configs since that is merely a means to get the numbers expressed by your service

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Hello, thanks. I find my way with nomad-autoscaler demos.

I miss that I must add a scraping for nomad on 4646. Is it possible to automatically scrape all nomad clients?