Nomad v1.3.2, 1.2.9, and 1.1.15 released

The Nomad team is pleased to announce Nomad 1.3.2, 1.2.9, and 1.1.15 with new improvements and bug fixes.

  • Support for simple load balancing of Nomad services: Enable selecting a stable set of services using nomadServices in template configuration.
  • Support for Authorization Bearer header: Allow passing a Nomad ACL token in an Authorization Bearer header instead of X-Nomad-Token.
  • Allow specifying a root token on bootstrap: Added option to allow for an operator generated bootstrap token to be passed to the “acl bootstrap” command.
  • Improve template fault tolerance: Added more fault tolerant defaults for template configuration.
  • UI ACL permissions bug fixes: Fixed several instances where users may see an unexpected permission denied error.

Please refer to the changelog for all of the enhancements and bug fixes and the upgrade guide for backward incompatibilities.

Along with Nomad 1.3.2, we are also releasing Nomad 1.2.9 and 1.1.15 with a long list of backported bug fixes. Refer to their changelogs for mode details.


The Nomad Team

1.3.2 Binaries -
1.3.2 Changelog -
1.2.9 Binaries -
1.2.9 Changelog -
1.1.15 Binaries -
1.1.15 Changelog -