OIDC alias case sensitive problem

I have two vault envariments PROD and UAT
They are deployed in eks cluster, with helm chart.
Vault version: 1.4.2
Backend is DynamoDB,
All configuration is manages by terraform so I have exact copy for UAT and PROD

Before onboarding users to vault I will create Entities and alias with there email (I will create email in low case ex name.lastname@domain.com ).
But email can be Name.Lastname@domain.com
And everything worked fine unit recently

Now in PROD when users try to login with OIDC it will create a new entitie and alias, alias will be case sensitive
In this case i have pre created alias name.lastname@domain.com but it will create a new one Name.Lastname@domain.com

However this is happening only in PROD env UAT env works fine(In UAT it maps user to pre created email all low case ).

I didn’t do any updates. only thing that i found there was a vault container restart
My guess will be that DynamoDB has some temp values that needs to be cleaned?

I installed vault with helm and apply same config with terraform everything works fine (Im not able to reproduce)
But I need to fix PROD env
Any ideas on this ?

Thank you,