Based on the documentation, I haven’t been able to figure out why I cannot retrieve a field.
This is the relevent segment in my packer build file (HCL)
locals {
bucket_extension = vault("/dev/grey/aws/bucket_extension", "value")
You can see that its possible for me to retrieve the data from the field/key named ‘value’ at the path:
admin:~/environment/firehawk-main-rollout/firehawk-main/modules/deadline-db-ami ((c0a07d1...)) $ vault kv get -field=value /dev/grey/aws/bucket_extension
But in the same shell I cannot pull this data in the Packer build.
admin:~/environment/firehawk-main-rollout/firehawk-main/modules/deadline-db-ami ((c0a07d1...)) $ ./
Found bastion_ubuntu18_ami in manifest: PKR_VAR_bastion_ubuntu18_ami=ami-08583ca2aa0204e9e
Error: Error in function call
on /home/ec2-user/environment/firehawk-main-rollout/firehawk-main/modules/deadline-db-ami/deadline-db.pkr.hcl line 44:
(source code not available)
Call to function "vault" failed: Vault data was empty at the given path.
Warnings: Invalid path for a versioned K/V secrets engine. See the API docs for
the appropriate API endpoints to use. If using the Vault CLI, use 'vault kv get'
for this operation..