Post-processor section doesn't work in build


we use packer latest version 1.8.5 with openshift by a gitlab-ci.yml.
the provisioner part work correctly but the post-processor doesn’t work “skipped”.
Could you help me please ?
Thanks in advance.

build : windows.pkr.hcl

build {
sources = [“”, “source.vsphere-iso.vsphere”]

provisioner “windows-restart” {
only = [“vsphere-iso”]
restart_timeout = “10m”

post-processor “shell-local” {
inline = [“python -m venv /tmp/.venv”, “. /tmp/.venv/bin/activate”, “python -m pip install requests”, “python ./scripts/ https://${var.vsphere_server} {var.vsphere_user} {var.vsphere_password} {var.vm_name}{var.nb_build}”]
only = [“vsphere-iso”]

post-processor “vsphere-template” {
host = “{var.vsphere_server}" datacenter = "{var.vsphere_datacenter}”
username = “{var.vsphere_user}" password = "{var.vsphere_password}”
reregister_vm = true
folder = “TEMPLATES/GAP/”
only = [“vsphere-iso”]
