Hello there!
In advanced, I very appreciate your help. Right now, i’m using Vault for store secrets but two days ago I’m facing an issue with Vault because the pods are not initializing and also I have this error * core: barrier reports initialized but no seal configuration found
. I can’t do anything because I got this error, I tried with: vault status, vault operator init, and a lot of other commands with the same result.
This one is my config:
disable_mlock = true
ui = true
listener "tcp" {
tls_disable = 1
address = "[::]:8200"
cluster_address = "[::]:8201"
storage "gcs" {
bucket = "vault-storage-prod"
ha_enabled = "true"
service_registration "kubernetes" {}
seal "gcpckms" {
project = "core-delivery-platform-prod"
region = "us-east4"
key_ring = "vault-key-ring"
crypto_key = "vault-crypto-key"
telemetry {
prometheus_retention_time = "30s",
disable_hostname = true
Basically I’m using GCP GCS for storage and GCP KMS for seal. I already test if the pods have the capability to get KMS crypto keys and also the files from GCS.
Can you help me with that please? I recover the secrets but I need figure it out what happened for fix or make sure not happen again.
Thanks in advance!