Provision service catalog product that will be created by cloudformation template with passmeters

We have aws service catalog portfolio and EC2 product created by terraform, where this EC2 product will be provisioned from a cloud formation template with several parameters (such as VpcId, SubnetId, InstanceType, InstanceRole etc.). Now we wish to provision this EC2 product, the question is: how could we pass these parameters from terraform to cloud formation template? Or what is the right way to do it?
Thanks in advance.

Terraform codes:

resource "aws_servicecatalog_provisioned_product" "this_provisioned_prod" {
  name                     = "my-name"
  product_id               = "prod-xxxxx"
  provisioning_artifact_id = "pa-xxxx"

resource "aws_servicecatalog_product" "this_prod" {
   provisioning_artifact_parameters {
      template_url = ""

my-cft.yml abstract:

    Type: AWS::EC2::VPC::Id
    Description: VPC ID on which EC2 instance will reside
    ConstraintDescription: Must be the VPC Id of an existing virtual private cloud.
    MinLength: 1
    Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id
    Description: Use Private Subnet
    ConstraintDescription: Select a private subnet, public subnets not allowed.
    MinLength: 1