Proxmox: Terraform change bios VM

Terraform change bios on “seabios” but I need “ovmf”

-/+ resource "proxmox_virtual_environment_vm" "vm" {
      ~ bios                    = "ovmf" -> "seabios"
      ~ id                      = "108" -> (known after apply)
      ~ ipv4_addresses          = [] -> (known after apply)
      ~ ipv6_addresses          = [] -> (known after apply)
      + keyboard_layout         = "en-us"
      ~ mac_addresses           = [] -> (known after apply)
      + migrate                 = false
        name                    = "vm-vk-loki"
      ~ network_interface_names = [] -> (known after apply)
      + on_boot                 = true
      + reboot                  = false
      + stop_on_destroy         = false
        tags                    = []
      + timeout_clone           = 1800
      + timeout_create          = 1800
      + timeout_migrate         = 1800
      + timeout_move_disk       = 1800
      + timeout_reboot          = 1800
      + timeout_shutdown_vm     = 1800
      + timeout_start_vm        = 1800
      + timeout_stop_vm         = 300
        # (7 unchanged attributes hidden)
      ~ agent {
          + type    = "virtio"
            # (3 unchanged attributes hidden)
      ~ cpu {
          - flags        = [] -> null
          ~ type         = "qemu64" -> "host"
            # (7 unchanged attributes hidden)
      ~ disk {
          ~ cache             = "none" -> "writeback"
          ~ discard           = "ignore" -> "on"
          ~ path_in_datastore = "vm-108-disk-0" -> (known after apply)
          ~ size              = 0 -> 20
            # (5 unchanged attributes hidden)
      - efi_disk { # forces replacement
          - datastore_id      = "local-lvm" -> null
          - file_format       = "raw" -> null
          - pre_enrolled_keys = true -> null # forces replacement
          - type              = "4m" -> null # forces replacement
      ~ initialization {
          - interface    = "ide0" -> null
            # (1 unchanged attribute hidden)
            # (1 unchanged block hidden)
      ~ network_device {
          ~ mac_address = "BC:24:11:CC:88:69" -> (known after apply)
            # (8 unchanged attributes hidden)
      - vga {
          - enabled = true -> null
          - memory  = 0 -> null
        # (2 unchanged blocks hidden)

      name        = "vm-vk-loki"
      vm_id       = 108
      dns_enabled = true
      dns_zone    = ""

      initialization_datastore_id = "local-lvm"
      initialization_ipv4_address = ""
      initialization_ipv4_gateway = ""

      scsi_hardware = "pvscsi"
      node_name     = "pve-mmts9-node1"
      cpu_cores        = 2
      dedicated_memory = 4096

      bios = "ovmf"

      disks = [
          interface_type = "scsi"
          size           = "20"
          datastore_id   = "local-lvm"

      network_device_vlan_id = "326"

Mine provider

      source  = "bpg/proxmox"
      version = "0.48.1"

I can’t change bios on virtual machine, because I don’t want to lose the data on it.I’m moving the VM from Vsphere(ESXi)

I’m try change the code in module and add string: bios = lookup(each.value, “ovmf”, “seabios”)

but I realized that it is not necessary, because the provider has a default value.