Questions Re: Nomad, Fabio, Apache Tutorial

Hi All,

I recently setup a local Consul/Nomad cluster using Vagrant - one server, two clients. I’ve assigned different private IP addresses to each of them (see Vagrantfile, below).

LINUX_BASE_BOX = "bento/ubuntu-18.04"

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|

    config.vm.define "server" do |server| = LINUX_BASE_BOX
		server.vm.hostname = "server" "private_network", ip: "" "forwarded_port", guest: 8500, host: 8500 "forwarded_port", guest: 4646, host: 4646     
		server = configureVirtualBox server
		server = configureProvisioners server

	1.upto(2) do |n|
        config.vm.define "client#{n}" do |client|
            client.vm.hostname = "client#{n}"
   "private_network", ip: "172.20.20.%d" % [20 + n]
            client = configureVirtualBox client
            client = configureProvisioners client


def configureVirtualBox(config, cpus: "2", memory: "2048")
	config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
		v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cableconnected1", "on", "--audio", "none"]
		v.memory = memory
		v.cpus = cpus

	return config

def configureProvisioners(config)
    config.vagrant.plugins = "vagrant-docker-compose"
    config.vm.provision :docker

    config.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
        ansible.playbook = "../playbooks/hashistack.yml"

	return config

Following this I tried the official tutorial on load balancing with Fabio. Apache servers started successfully, but were all bound to the same IP address: (with different ports, of course). This address also happens to be the default eth0 address of all VMs, and apparently cannot be changed.

On to my questions.

  1. How can I get the Apache instances to be bound using the custom private IP addresses of the client VMs they are running on? Is this a good idea, or am I missing something?
  2. When I access Fabio using any client IP (e.g. the requests sometimes fail. Does this have something to do with the fact that all Apache instances are bound to the same IP address? I found the following in Fabio logs:
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] Version 1.5.15 starting
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] Go runtime is go1.15.5
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] Running fabio as UID=0 EUID=0 GID=0
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [WARN] 

	You are running fabio as root without the '-insecure' flag
	This will stop working with fabio 1.7!

2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] Metrics disabled
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] Setting GOGC=100
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] Setting GOMAXPROCS=2
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] Running fabio as UID=0 EUID=0 GID=0
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [WARN] 

	You are running fabio as root without the '-insecure' flag
	This will stop working with fabio 1.7!

2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] consul: Connecting to "localhost:8500" in datacenter "dc1"
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] Admin server access mode "rw"
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] Admin server listening on ":9998"
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] Waiting for first routing table
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] consul: Using dynamic routes
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] consul: Using tag prefix "urlprefix-"
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] consul: Watching KV path "/fabio/config"
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] consul: Watching KV path "/fabio/noroute.html"
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] HTTP proxy listening on :9999
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] Running fabio as UID=0 EUID=0 GID=0
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [WARN] 

	You are running fabio as root without the '-insecure' flag
	This will stop working with fabio 1.7!

2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] Access logging disabled
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] Using routing strategy "rnd"
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] Using route matching "prefix"
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] consul: Registered fabio as "fabio"
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] consul: Registered fabio with id "fabio-client2-9998"
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] consul: Registered fabio with address ""
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] consul: Registered fabio with tags ""
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] consul: Registered fabio with check &{CheckID:fabio-client2-9998-ttl Name: Args:[] DockerContainerID: Shell: Interval: Timeout: TTL:15s HTTP: Header:map[] Method: Body: TCP: Status: Notes: TLSSkipVerify:false GRPC: GRPCUseTLS:false AliasNode: AliasService: SuccessBeforePassing:0 FailuresBeforeCritical:0 DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter:1m0s}
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] consul: Registered fabio with check &{CheckID: Name: Args:[] DockerContainerID: Shell: Interval:1s Timeout:3s TTL: HTTP:http://[]:9998/health Header:map[] Method: Body: TCP: Status: Notes: TLSSkipVerify:false GRPC: GRPCUseTLS:false AliasNode: AliasService: SuccessBeforePassing:0 FailuresBeforeCritical:0 DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter:}
2022/02/25 11:05:31 [INFO] Config updates
+ route add apache-webserver /
+ route add apache-webserver /
+ route add apache-webserver /
2022/02/25 11:11:15 [ERROR] dial tcp connect: connection refused
2022/02/25 11:11:22 [ERROR] dial tcp connect: connection refused
2022/02/25 11:12:47 [ERROR] dial tcp connect: connection refused
2022/02/25 11:14:16 [ERROR] dial tcp connect: connection refused
2022/02/25 11:14:20 [ERROR] dial tcp connect: connection refused
2022/02/25 11:14:24 [ERROR] dial tcp connect: connection refused
2022/02/25 11:14:25 [ERROR] dial tcp connect: connection refused
2022/02/25 11:14:25 [ERROR] dial tcp connect: connection refused
2022/02/25 11:14:29 [ERROR] dial tcp connect: connection refused
2022/02/25 12:05:31 [INFO] Running fabio as UID=0 EUID=0 GID=0
2022/02/25 12:05:31 [WARN] 

	You are running fabio as root without the '-insecure' flag
	This will stop working with fabio 1.7!

2022/02/25 13:05:31 [INFO] Running fabio as UID=0 EUID=0 GID=0
2022/02/25 13:05:31 [WARN] 

	You are running fabio as root without the '-insecure' flag
	This will stop working with fabio 1.7!

Any help would be welcome. Let me know if I need to share more information.

Found a possible solution. I’m going to try this out.