Quick Introduction

Hey Everyone!

Just stopping by to give a quick hello and introduction. I was selected to present at HashiConf this year. My talk : “A Beginner’s Journey: Scaling Self-Hosted Platform Infrastructure with Nomad”.

Anxiety aside from presenting something completely new for me to a global audience, I am looking forward to the opportunity to finally dive into Nomad.

As I transition from an outline and my homelab, I’m looking for community feedback on resources you would recommend for new users. Here is what I currently going to reference during my talk:

I’d love to hear your thoughts on these resources or any others you think would be beneficial to new users.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!



Hi @benjamin.m.lykins,

I would love to share my thoughts with you about the HashiCorp Nomad journey.

Your materials are excellent for getting started, and you likely don’t need additional resources unless you have specific questions about particular topics.

If you need a review of a specific article before the presentation, I would be happy to assist with a technical review.