Hello! We have created a slide deck for speakers at HUGs and other Meetup groups to use if they would like to recap the announcements made at HashiConf Digital in June.
Check out the HashiConf Digital June announcement recap slides.
You will see that all major announcements are represented including speaker notes and links to further reading.
If you plan to host a virtual Meetup around this content, let us know as we are happy to provide a piece of swag or a certification voucher for you to raffle off at your Meetup.
Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback by leaving a comment directly in the slides.
To make it easy, here is a bit of recommended copy for the Meetup posting:
Hi everyone! We look forward to seeing you at the next [city] virtual HashiCorp User Group. Save the date and join us.
[Name] will give a summary of the announcements made at HashiConf Digital in June.
Here is what we can expect to talk about:
- HashiCorp’s first digital conference
- Announcements leading up to HashiConf Digital
- HashiCorp Cloud Platform
- HCP Consul beta
- Terraform 0.13 beta
- Nomad 0.12 beta
- Consul 1.8 GA
Please reach out to us at hugs@hashicorp.com if you are interested in getting involved with the HUG program. We are always on the look out for quality content whether it be a lighting talk, lecture style, demo, or culture talk.