Running Nomad in production *without* external consul and vault

hi @jrasell ,

all the necessary components to do service discovery (consul) and secret sharing (vault)

Nomad offers basic native service discovery and variables sharing which can be used if they meet your requirements. They are not as fully featured as what Consul or Vault offer.

apologies, i may have conflated into “consul” the whole concept of service discovery. Indeed in our tests, we’re using the service provider nomad and that’s what we’d like to keep using (as we just need service discovery, no mesh and no dns)

as also highlighted in this article What is the difference between Nomad services and consul services? - #2 by mnomitch lots of works has been put into the nomad provider, so im wondering if there’s any downside in using it (instead of consul) for a 3/5 servers nodes setup (with a still unspecified number of client nodes).

Thanks for helping me getting my thoughts clearer :slight_smile:

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