Dear All,
Hope you all are doing fine.
I have a question on the possibility of visualizing the serf metrics in Prometheus and Grafana. I have 100+ nodes which has serf binary. What I need to achieve is getting serf metrics - basically to understand what is happening when a member is joined or removed, time it takes a single join node to stabilize, any other crucial metrics - and show them visually using Prometheus and Grafana.
Also, I read in a paper called “network coordinates in the wild” that nodes have a tendency to keep drifting away to a direction from the source (in vivaldi), so I also need to see how this works in serf.
I also found serf/docs/agent/telemetry.html.markdown at master · hashicorp/serf · GitHub Additionally, I came across GitHub - hashicorp/go-metrics: A Golang library for exporting performance and runtime metrics to external metrics systems (i.e. statsite, statsd).
However, I do not understand how to integrate either or how does it work What I simply need is to expose the serf metrics to Grafana.
I am a working with serf for the first time and totally new to this type of work. Therefore, I would sincerely grateful for any guidance or resources that I can refer to make things clear.
Thank you!