Sessions come back after being canceled

I have a problem. In one of the sessions that were activated, after its cancellation, they keep coming back and are never canceled.


i cancel:

and after a few seconds they appear again

what can i do to resolve this?

Which version of Boundary is this?

is a 0.4.0 version


Do you see the same behavior from the CLI? It would help to figure out if this is a caching issue on the display in the UI or something in the backend.

Yes, I did the test and the same happens in CLI. Session returns after a few seconds

@CamilaBetim, I can’t seem to reproduce this using the default SSH target created with boundary dev.

Can you give more details on your particular setup so that we can try a more specific repro?

I’m not running in dev mode, I’m running it through a config file. I’m using a postgresql database for storage. my config file looks like:

disable_mlock = true

controller {
  name = "controller"
  description = "A controller"

database {
    url = "postgresql:.....}

worker {
  name = "worker"
  description = "A worker"
  address = ""

  controllers = [

  public_addr = ""

listener "tcp" {

  address = ""
  purpose = "api"
  tls_cert_file = "<certificate path>"
  tls_key_file  = "<certificate path>"


listener "tcp" {
  address = ""
  purpose = "cluster"

  tls_cert_file = "<certificate path>"
  tls_key_file  = "<certificate path>"

listener "tcp" {
    purpose = "proxy"
    tls_cert_file = "<certificate path>"
    tls_key_file  = "<certificate path>"
    address = ""

kms "transit" {
  purpose            = "root"
  address            = "<vault address>"
  token              = "<token generated with correct permission>"
  disable_renewal    = "false"

  key_name           = "<key name>"
  mount_path         = "transit/"

kms "transit" {
  purpose            = "worker-auth"
  address            = "<vault address>"
  token              = "<token generated with correct permission>"
  disable_renewal    = "false"

  key_name           = "<key name>"
  mount_path         = "transit/"

kms "transit" {
  purpose            = "recovery"
  address            = "<vault address>"
  token              = "<token generated with correct permission>"
  disable_renewal    = "false"

  key_name           = "<key name>"
  mount_path         = "transit/"

Boundary is working perfectly except for this mistake of duplicating sessions and some are not canceled

@CamilaBetim hmm, I still can’t reproduce with a local config.

Can you maybe try to reproduce this on a local machine with logging set a bit higher? Maybe -log-level=debug.

In the event that it still happens, can you try generalizing the config a bit more (remove address in the listeners so they use the default network settings, use AEAD KMS instead of Vault, remove public_addr, etc).


Hey! Looks like the problem is only happening on Boundary Desktop. On the web and cli sessions are no longer being duplicated, only on the Desktop, is there anything I can do?

Another thing I would like to check, boundary is bringing the sessions 3 hours ahead of the current one here. I noticed that the server he was running was at the wrong time. I adjusted the server time but it keeps bringing the sessions with the wrong time. Is there anything I can do to fix this? I wait, thank you!