I often wish I could see the changes that were made for the values that were “known after apply”. So whereas the plan shows the values that will change, there doesn’t seem to be a place where the values that changed as a result of the apply are shown. Would it be possible to add those to the output of the terraform apply command (ie feature request)? Eg given a terraform apply that shows this:
# module.something must be replaced
-/+ resource "aws_batch_job_definition" "my_job" {
~ container_properties = jsonencode(
- command = []
- environment = [
- {
- value = "us-east-1"
- image = "<ECR-URL>"
- jobRoleArn = "<role-ARN>"
- memory = 15000
- mountPoints = []
- privileged = true
- resourceRequirements = [
- {
- type = "GPU"
- value = "1"
- secrets = []
- ulimits = []
- vcpus = 4
- volumes = []
) -> (known after apply) # forces replacement
~ id = "<ARN>" -> (known after apply)
# (2 unchanged attributes hidden)
then after the apply has completed, it would show the values there were determined during the apply, and whether they actually changed (since it is possible they did not):
# module.something was replaced
-/+ resource "aws_batch_job_definition" "my_job" {
~ container_properties = jsonencode(
- privileged = true -> false
) # forced replacement
# (3 unchanged attributes hidden)
everything that was unchanged was removed (this is bogus example, the ID would for sure have changed, I just wanted to illustrate the idea)