Slices vs ListAttributes vs ListNestedAttributes

I don’t think I fully understand when I’m supposed to use types.List vs a slice and when I should be using ListAttribute{ElementType:} vs ListNestedAttribute{NestedObject: … }

Take for example:

type Child struct {
   Name types.String `tfsdk:"name"`
   // assume other fields

type Parent struct {
  Children types.List `tfsdk:"children"`

It looked like the most-correct way was ListNestedAttribute, but then it looks like I need to define the object three times?

  1. as a struct with tfsdk:"... tags,
  2. as a schema.NestedAttributeObject
  3. as a map with attr.Type to call ObjectValueFrom

Did I miss something somewhere? When do I use which things, and how do I convert into/out of my API structs to/from these Terraform model structs?
